What is Fotona4D®

The aging face; how to reverse the signs of aging.

Fotona4D is the latest word in laser treatment. The process treats all 4 layers of our skin by using two laser wavelengths. This non-invasive laser procedure makes the skin younger from the inside and the results last for longer.

In addition, there is no surgery required of any kind and you do not need to inject any fillers into your body to fill out the wrinkles. The rejuvenated appearance of the skin and the improvements in its complexion are immediately noticeable and the downtime ranges from minimal to nonexistent.

How does Fotona4D work?

This unique laser technology uses follows the four steps listed below to achieve the desired result.

The first step addresses the signs of aging around the patient’s jawline. To deal with this problem treatment has to start inside the mouth. The laser treatment conducted from within the perioral region will reduce the appearance of lines; the result will be similar to what you would get with a filler (except, of course, there is absolutely no filler being used).

The next stage of the laser treatment targets deeper lines on the patient’s face and improves the complexion (by targeting areas with abnormal pigmentation) as well as the texture of the skin.

The third stage utilizes the so-called brushing technique. During this stage, the medical professional applies heat to the skin (safely and rapidly) which instantly tightens the skin and helps it look more youthful.

And, last but not least, during the final stage, we do the laser peel which removes all superficial blemishes on the patient’s face and gives their skin a healthy youthful glow.

What to expect after the procedure?

As we have mentioned there is almost no downtime after the Fotona4D laser treatment, so you can resume your ordinary life as soon as your treatment session is over. As for the results, although a significant improvement can be seen right after the first procedure, in order to see the full effect of the Fotona4D treatment a patient will have to wait for a couple of months. And the benefits of the treatment are still observable even half a year after the procedure.

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